Pelosi Plays Innocent and Calls Republicans a Cult While in England

One of the most hated dems has yet again attempted to tarnish the image of the Republican party while abroad a few weeks ago…

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi couldn’t keep her mouth shut… and kept spewing backlashing about our patriot leaders while she was in Cambridge, England. She saw this as an opportunity to break the patriot spirit… and tell the world it’s our fault that our country isn’t at its best right now.

Just like all the twisted dems out there, she’s doing whatever it takes to bring our party down.

Pelosi first sugarcoated her statement. She said, “I say to my Republican friends, and I do have some. Take back your party. You’re the Grand Old Party of America, you’ve done wonderful things for our country.”

For sure, she was lying about having Republican friends. No patriot would ever want to be acquainted with her after that… except for the RINOs.

Then she slammed Republicans in a passive-aggressive manner. She mentioned that we are bad for America and we are members of a “cult.”

The demo-rat said, “A cult has hijacked you. That is just not good for our country. Take back your party. Do not let it be dominated by those who want to suppress the vote because they have no positive message to win. They want to suppress the vote… and that’s how they would win. Those who just disrespect the rights and the beautiful diversity of America. And it is even becoming more so…”

She’s saying that our party has lost its way. But in reality, these twisted dems are the ones who hijacked their own party with their greed.

Then Pelosi added, “They [GOPs] disregard entirely the fact that… in the country… people [support] background checks for guns. [From] Democrats, Republicans, independents, gun owners hunters… but not the members of Congress. [It’s] the same [with] climate and with a woman’s right to choose. So take back your party. It’s more of a reflection of Republicans in the country… It may not benefit Democrats and the country. It would make Republican districts more open to people other than the ones [GOPs] that are in Congress now.”

She keeps insisting they’ve been doing the right thing from the beginning. Remember, these dems are the reasons why we have:

  • Forceful mask and vaccine mandates
  • Inflation
  • Gun bans
  • A border that’s out of control
  • Systemic racism

Everything that Pelosi said was a terrible lie. She only wants to make out our patriot leaders to be the scapegoat for their incompetence.

Here’s the truth behind Pelosi’s statement. ..

Rightist conservatives have not hijacked the Republican party. The vocal hard left has hijacked the Democratic party. 

Pelosi has the arrogance to denigrate people she disagrees with. She thinks she’s always right… and she’s not willing to entertain or debate contrary opinions. 

This demo-rat is just cynical and divisive. She’s not the kind of leader our country will ever need…

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3 Thoughts to “Pelosi Plays Innocent and Calls Republicans a Cult While in England”

  1. John Galt

    It’s Halloween. She should just get on her broomstick and fly around.

  2. Ken Jacobus

    Demorat incompetence becomes more obvious every day. The only answer that they have is to lie, and blame others.

  3. Doris Lauter

    Nice thing about the media and social media, word gets to other countries fast, and they know we have a dud in the white house, and they know everything. They will catch her lies.

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